The case will be over for us when our compatriots land in Bulgaria, Georgi Pirinski said concerning the Lybian High Judicial Council's decision on the Benghazi AIDS case
On the decision of the High Judicial Council of Lybia to commute the death sentences on the five Bulgarian nurses and a Palestinian doctor in the Benghazi AIDS case to life imprisonment, National Assembly Chairman Georgi Pirinski made a statement at the beginning of Wednesday's plenary sitting.
"We share the position that the decision of the High Judicial Council of Lybia is an important step in a positive direction. We express our gratitude to our EU partners and all the countries which have shown solidarity with and commitment to the fate of the innocent medics. The case will be considered closed by us only after our compatriots return to Bulgaria." Pirinski said.
National Assembly Chairman added that this position was shared by the members of the Council of the Chairman of Parliament and reflects the common understanding of the National Assembly of the Republic of Bulgaria.