Georgi Pirinski sent a Condolence Letter to the Albanian National Assembly Chairperson in Regard to the Tragic Event near Tirana.
National Assembly Chairman Georgi Pirinski sent a condolence letter to his counterpart in the Albanian Parliament, Mrs. Yozefina Topali in connection with the tragic event in the army munitions depot near the capital Tirana, on 16 March 2008.
The condolence letter states:
"Please accept my deepest condolences and sincerest sympathy in connection with the tragic incident in your country, resulting in the loss of human lives and injuries of civilians. In this very sad moment that shacked and shocked the capital and the whole country, the members of the 40th Bulgarian National Assembly join to the grief of the Albanian people.
This event comes to remind us that we have to handle with great precaution and responsibility the dismantlement of the accumulated in the past explosives that can cause extremely harmful consequences.
I am convinced that the immediate and effective reaction of the Albanian authorities and the practical solidarity and help of the partners in the Region will limit the human casualties to the minimum and the consequences will soon be overcome.
Allow me Dear Madam Chairperson, in the present time of sorrow, to renew mine and the one of my colleagues compassion for the victim's relatives, the injured and those in distress and to express our readiness to contribute to the urgent recovery from this calamity.