National Assembly Adopted the Minimal Retirement Benefits Amount to BGN 113.49 as of July 1st, 2008
National Assembly voted today the minimal retirement benefits in the country to become BGN 113.49. This is reflected in the amended Budget of the State Social Security Fund, passed today on first reading.
Parliament approved on first reading the bills proposed by the Council of ministers and MP Philip Dimitrov (UDF) concerning the conflict of interests. The bill defines the notion of “conflict of interests” and aims at creating a uniform legislation to oppose the phenomena. The bill fixes the bodies entitled to fight and the procedures to stop the occurrence of such conflicts and the consequences when they happen. The Government proposes the law to enter in force, as of January 1, 2009.
The draft designed by Philip Dimitrov enlarges the number of persons covered in the law in connection with the Civil Servant Act that mandates who should announce in public their conflict of interests. The Bill foresees sanctions for those who commit such conflicts, as well as an expressed prohibition for administrative officials, defined in the Administration Act, to take part in the Management and Supervisory Bodies of companies with shares owned by the State and receive remuneration.
National Assembly voted a resolution regarding the future of the Bulgarian military personnel in Iraq.
During the time for parliamentary control answers by Vice Premiers Daniel Vulchev and Emel Etem were heard, as well as by ministers Mihail Mikov, Stefan Danailov and Plamen Oresharski.