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National Assembly
of the Republic of Bulgaria
Parliament Fixes the Term for Unemployment Benefits to 1 year, as of July 1st 2008
On its sitting dated 19 June 2008 parliament passed the amendments in the Social Assistance Act. The amendments envisage the term for social welfare benefits to be limited to 1 year. Currently the unemployment benefits for persons in working age is 18 months. The measure aims at stimulating the unemployed in this group of the population to seek work. During the time on unemployment benefits they can use the opportunities provided by the National employment action plan. The amendment enters into force on July 1st 2008.

The assembly discussed on second reading the amendments in the Privatization and Post Privatization Control Act. The act gives a green light to the privatization of state and municipal health care establishments or to part of it. A list of 66 health care facilities of national importance such as general hospitals treating a broad spectrum of Illnesses, University, and such for specialized care are not allowed for privatization.

Mr. Iashar Shaban was nominated for a deputy ombudsman of the Republic of Bulgaria until April 12th 2010.

Parliament approved on first reading the amendments in the Concessions Act. The latter foresee to double the term of concessions for sea beaches up to 20 years. The concession will include the adjacent part of the sea, wide not more 200 meters, the adjacent islands including man made, as well as infrastructure belonging to the beaches and the sea shore.

The National Assembly ratified the Convention regarding the European School’s Statutes. The latter regulates the structure, organization, operation and management of the European schools. The schools in concern educate the children of the officials in the European institutions. The full membership of Bulgaria in this school chain will enrich the cultural and linguistic diversity of the European Union and establish the Bulgarian language among the others in the Union, points the document.
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