National Assembly Debates at First Reading Bill on Energy Efficiency
September 17, 2008
The National Assembly debated at first reading bill on energy efficiency which introduces the European Directive 2006/32 . The latter stipulates that billing of consumers should reflect the real consumption. The Directive also regulates the whole chain of supply of energy and provision of energy services and the improvement of energy efficiency in the buildings. It introduces a mandatory periodic inspection of the heating installations and measures to increase their efficiency. The new regulations oblige traders of energy to assume their share in the implementation of activities and measures for higher energy efficiency.
The European Directive requires member countries to undertake programs for energy efficiency and to develop and diversify the market of services in this field.
In accordance with the Directive, Bulgaria has to adopt a national goal for 9 percent reduction in energy consumption. This goal should be reached in the course of the next 9 years until 2016.
A national strategy will be drawn up in order to transpose the Directive into the Bulgarian law. The trade of energy by natural persons and legal entities will be regulated in details. The idea is to combine the supply of energy with modern technologies to make consumption more efficient and real ways of measuring consumption, savings and efficiency in the use of energy resources.
NA also discussed and adopted draft resolution in support of the Prague Declaration on European Conscience and and Communism, launched by the Czech Parliament.