National Assembly Approves BGN 1,206 Milliard Additional Credits from the 2008 Republican Budget
October 10, 2008
On its sitting, dated October 10, 2008 the National Assembly voted the distribution of BGN 1,206 Milliard from the Budget for 2008. The additional funds come from the surplus in the fiscal revenue account and are redistributed in compliance with art. 35, para. 4 of the Structure of the State Budget Act.
The funds are allocated in two major packages – for social and investment purposes. The social package receives BGN 666 Million. The additional credits for investment amount to BGN 540 Million – these funds will go for road infrastructure construction, waters and waste management, further territorial planning, further building and development of military capabilities, public order defense and crime counteraction , improvement of the state fire prevention and control, fire and accidents rescue operations, and defense in disaster and accidents situations.
BGN 29, 53 Million are allocated for social assistance for heating; BGN 36 Million for one- time aid to assist citizens with low incomes; for 25 % increase of the one-time aid for first graders - BGN 1, 2 Million; to increase the pensions for those retired by October 1, 2007, starting October 1, 2008 – BGN 90 Million; to pay one time addition to pensions in December 2008 – BGN 337,500 Thousand. In the field of health care additional funds are distributed as follows: to the Special Fund for Treatment of Children – BGN 20 Million; for the program “In vitro” BGN 10 M; for purchase of radiotherapy equipment BGN 15 M; for purchase of X-rays apparatuses BGN 10 M; for dialysis apparatuses BGN 10 M, for purchase of ambulances BGN 15 M and for additional financing in the field of medicine BGN 100 M.
The expenditures in the field of secondary education are increased by BGN 21 M; for purchase of school buses the allocation amounts to BGN 20 M; for the finish of student hostels repair works BGN 10 M and an additional BGN 25 M to improve the educational and scientific infrastructure of higher educational institutions; BGN 10 M to cover the shortcomings in the national program “Optimization of the school system”.
BGN 17 M are allocated for capital improvements of five district police departments in Sofia and for the construction of a new office building of the Third district police department in Sofia and for the purchase of new cars and special equipment; BGN 3 M for purchasing new Firefighting Trucks; BGN 20 M for the new building of Directorate “Anticrime police force”, “Pre- trial proceedings” and “Security police forces”. BGN 55 M goes in support of the policy regarding “Building and development of the operational capabilities of the Military”.
BGN 90 M. are allocated for investment in the construction of highway “Trakia” which is meant to fully cover the expenses necessary to complete the construction. Another BGN 90 M goes towards ongoing road repairs and compensations for private properties taken away for the needs of national infrastructure projects. BGN 30 M will be given to the National Company “Railroad Infrastructure” for building, repair and operation of railroad equipment.