National Assembly of the Republic of Bulgaria - Home
National Assembly
of the Republic of Bulgaria
National Assembly Adopts at First Reading Amendments to the Social Welfare Act
November 5, 2008

The changes cut the term for receiving unemployment benefits from 12 to 6 months. The aim is to activate the initiative of the unemployed to search for jobs and increase their education and skills. The report, which introduces the bill in parliament, points to the fact that there are still many individuals in working age that are hanging on unemployment benefits and social welfare. The new regulations will be applicable only to individuals in good health and capable of working.

The National Assembly passed the amendments to the law regulating the compensation of owners with long term savings accounts for housing (discontinued type of account existing before 1990).
MPs also deliberated on changes in the Commercial Code and the Special Pledges Act and discussed the 2007 Annual financial report of the State Agency for financial control.
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