New Law Establishes National Council For Labor Control
NOVEMBER 13, 2008
The new bill stipulates the creation of a permanent body representing the three parties - state, employers and trade unions. The new National Council will serve as coordinator and advisor on matters of labor relations and control and will be associated to the Minister of Labor and Social Policy. The bill regulates the organization of the national system for labor control and supervision and determines precisely the separate control activities and the interaction between the state institutions implementing it. Currently, there exist 12 bodies conducting labor control on behalf of the state.
At the same sitting, November 13, 2008, members of parliament decided to establish a permanent parliamentary committee for the control of the State Agency for National Security and a subcommittee to control the intelligence services in the country. The establishment of the new committees becomes possible with amendments to the Rules of organization and procedures of the National Assembly.
The NA approved, at first reading, changes in the Act regulating the local taxes and fees and the Tourism Act.
Changes at first reading were passed as well, in the Excise Duties and Tax Warehouse Act and the Corporate Taxation Act