Georgi Pirinski Welcomes Participants in the Celebration of the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People
DECEMBER 4, 2008
National assembly chairman Georgi Pirinski took part in the official celebration of the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian people on December 4, 2008. The event is organized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, UNDP Bulgarian office, the Council of the Arab Countries in Bulgaria and the Embassy of Palestine in Sofia.
In his address to the participants, the speaker of parliament noted that on this day people with good will around the world, voice their conviction that the Palestinian people, as any other one, has the full rights to be free and to live according to its own discretion and in security. I do believe that today we all have to express our unreserved support for the efforts of the Palestinian President Mahmoud Abas and the Palestinian authorities to reach this sacred cause for the people of Palestine by way of negotiations, Mr. Pirinski stated. “We are obliged to extend our support for his efforts in search of political solutions based on tolerance and understanding – which are extremely difficult to be reached and need our committed and full endorsement”, he further added.
Mr. Pirinski declared that there should be no doubt that the use of arms and aggression will never lead to the vital for the Palestinian people decision and thus arms and inappropriate language should be eliminated so that tolerance and constructive attitude could prevail.
In his speech Georgi Pirinski emphasized the important role of the United Nations for helping and assisting the people of Palestine, and pointed to the contributions of its numerous programs and officials aimed at attaining this goal.