National Assembly Adopts at First Reading Amendments to the Veterinary Medicine Act Aimed to Ease Regulatory Restrictions
12 March 2009
The amendments, adopted on 12 March 2009 at first reading, aim to ease trading with veterinarian medicinal products and the transportation of animals. The draft act envisages transformation from licensing to only recording of the above mentioned activities. Thus the institution in charge to register the activity will only have the right to inspect whether the applicant complies with the legal requirements. The bill stipulates the rules for performing veterinarian medical practice, the institutions to implement the oversight and control over such activities and the ensuing administrative liability for the offenders.
The bill elaborates further the state veterinary supervision requirements for food safety. Its transitional and concluding provisions foresee the introduction of corresponding amendments in the Foods Act in view to eliminate the current contradictions and duplications in the existing two separate laws, regulating the state veterinary control. In this way the Foods Act will keep the general rules, regarding the safety of foods while the Act on the Veterinary Medicine will regulate the safety of foods from animal’s origin.