In His Address to the XXth General Assembly of the National Association of Municipalities in Bulgaria, Georgi Pirinski Reiterates Parliament’s Readiness to Assist in Solving Problems of Their Concern
March 17, 2009
The address containing the above statement was sent to the Assembly on 17 March 2009. The forum, which gathers mayors from all over Bulgaria, is held this year in Sofia.
In his address chairman Pirinski notes that the role of the more than 90 000 municipalities within the European Member States is getting bigger by the day, due partly to the global financial crisis, requiring local governments to cooperate in a constructive way with the institutions pertaining to the executive and legislative branches.
The address also points out that the consistent practicing of principles and technologies of “good” governance helps outlining the necessary changes. In his view municipalities need to improve their financial resources management and strengthen the confidence in the local authorities of their constituencies by making full use of the European funds. To this end, local representatives should not let conflict of interests interfere into municipal life and should consider seriously such issues, adds Mr. Pirinski.