In conformity with the established practices of the 39th and 40th National Assembly the parliamentary Committee on Legal Affairs has decided not to take stand on the legal case brought by 70 MPs before the Constitutional Court claiming that parts of the amended Election of Members of Parliament Act are contrary to the Constitution.
May 11, 2009
The parliamentary Committee on Legal Affairs and members of the Ad Hoc Committee on the Revision of the Electoral Legislation have held on May 11, 2009 an extraordinary joint meeting.
They united around the view that the Legal Affairs Committee won’t take an express action in regards with the legal case brought by 70 MPs before the Constitutional Court and involving the National Assembly as party, claiming that parts of the amended recently Election of Members of the Parliament Act contradict the Constitution. Members of the two committees agreed that it is an established practice of the last two Assemblies not to take side on such issues when the Law under question has passed through an intensive plenary discussion and voted after the first and second reading.