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of the Republic of Bulgaria
All foods containing GMO to have on their labels signs showing such content with visually twice larger font and in a different color than all other lettering stipulated in GMO Act passed by the National Assembly
17 March 2010

The National Assembly passed the amendments to the Genetically Modified Organisms Act at the sitting on March 17th . The amendments contain provisions requiring all foods containing GMO to have on their labels signs showing such content, which should visually be twice larger and in a different color than all the other lettering. The act makes it mandatory for each product containing GMO to have a label.

Deputies agreed that with a single permit the Environment Minister would be able to authorize the release of same GMO (or combination of GMOs) in one or in different place, if they are only grown for the same purpose. Growing of different GMOs could be granted with a single permit, after a risk assessment for each location and subject to the procedure for issuing a permit.
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