Parliament adopted the Annual Work Program related to the European Union legislative affairs for 2011. Deputies will exercise monitoring and oversight over draft legislative acts in several priority fields. Closely monitored will be projects directed at “Smart, Ssustainable and Iinclusive Growth”, such accelerating the progress of Europe 2020 Strategy, "Economic and Financial Management", "Modern EU budget", "Freedom, Security and Justice Area" and "EU at the Regional and International Arena”. In the field of sustainable growth the focus will be on the EU legislative initiative for mutual recognition of the Electronic Identification and Authentication, a review of the Directives on Electronic Signatures and Working Time, on the so called White Paper on Pensions as well as on the EU framework for National Strategies for Roma Integration. An emphasis is to be put also on the proposal to revise the Directive on Tobacco Production, Supply and Sale of Tobacco Products, and the review of the Directive on the Transparency of Measures Regulating the Prices of Medicines. The program includes the new EU energy strategy for the period 2011-2020, as well as the priorities for energy infrastructure by 2020, the plan for an Integrated European Energy Network and a Directive on Energy efficiency and Energy savings. The legislative package for airports, is also on the program and is to evaluate the airports’ capacity and inventory, review of slots’ regulations and of the directives on ground handling and aircraft noise. The legislation concerning "Economic and financial management" includes a legislative initiative aiming at establishing a framework for management and resolution of crises in the banking sector, a directive for responsible lending and borrowing of loans and credits, and a legislative proposal for a common consolidated corporate tax base. The program also includes the amendments to the EU Regulations on credit rating agencies, a proposal for a directive on the requirements for the budgetary framework of the Member States and the Regulation for effective implementation of a budgetary oversight in the Eurozone.
As for the “Modern EU Budget”, included in the program is the proposed new EU regulation for multiannual financial framework. "Area of Freedom, Security and Justice” covers initiatives such as Smart Borders - legislative proposals for an entry and exit registration program for passengers as well as changes in the Schengen Borders Code. Included are suggestions for establishing an European system of border surveillance, as well as for a directive on the rights and assistance to victims of crimes, etc. The basic acts to be considered as far as “EU on the regional and international arena” are the following: the EU strategy for the Danube, the annual package for the European Neighborhood Policy, with emphasis on the Eastern Partnership, a 2011 package for enlargement and elaboration of opinion with respect to the membership of Serbia in the EU.