National Assembly of the Republic of Bulgaria - Home
National Assembly
of the Republic of Bulgaria
Deputies vote amendments to the Gambling Act. The State Cash and Objects Prizes Lottery becomes part of the Bulgarian Sports Totalizator.

The lawmakers passed also amendments to the Physical Education and Sports Act including several sports facilities in the list of facilities of national importance. The amendments determine that sports facilities of national importance could be owned either by the state or the municipalities and are organized as commercial entities. The rank of a sport facility of national importance is granted to a sport site which complies with the international standards for the particular sport to be practiced.

The amendments passed at the Gambling Act foresee the State Cash and Objects Lottery to become part of the Bulgarian Sports Totalizator. This is undertaken due to the fact that the Lottery is unable to sustain its business in its present conditions. The merge between the two organizations will lead to the establishment of a single state operator of gambling activities in the country with the sole aim to support the physical education and sports activities in Bulgaria. It is expected that the restructuring will be completed in the second half of 2011. The amendments envisage restrictions on gambling cash payments to BGN 15 000. The law at present allows BGN 30 000.  

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