During the Sixth session of the 41st National Assembly 932 letters, complaints, signals and declarations from citizens, local government bodies, public organizations and initiative committees were submitted to the National Assembly. 106 of the files were answered by the parliament’s administration, 106 were directed for check ups and opinions to the respective competent authorities, 540 were sent to the parliamentary committees.
The data covers the period of 2 May – 29 July 2011. The information was prepared by the National Assembly’s Information and Administrative Cervices Center.
180 letters of unknown authors, without return addresses, repeated letters, such that have already been answered or such concerning interpersonal or family issues were not answered.
Analysis of the letters shows the reaction of citizens and organizations on such important laws as the Alternative Energy Sources Act, the Waste Management Act, to the amendments passed to the Diplomatic Service Act, to the Electronic Communications Act, to the Family Allowances for Children Act, to the Insurance and the Family Code and so on.
The public interest evolves mostly around problems such as social insurance and assistance – the amount of pensions, the amount of and the necessary requirements for applicants willing to obtain social assistance in general and such for heating, the provision of personal assistants to people with disabilities, issues of children’s allowances received in circumvention of the law. Other problems raised in the letters concern the work of the Judiciary and the health care system in the country, the operations of the heating companies, the telecommunications operators and the private bailiffs, the amount of taxes charged for waste management and the banks’ interest rates.
The parliament’s Information and Administrative Services Center has also received requests for access to public information and various petitions. The petition of the National Civic Initiative Committee “Protect the poor” – against the proposed amendments to the Waste Management Act and the petition of people living in the village of Glogene at Teteven municipality – against the environment pollution in the area, due to the lack of purification station are among those received.
The new Information and Administrative Services Center of the National Assembly was opened at the end of 2010. in implementation of the project titled “Modern parliamentary administration in service of society” under the EU Operational Program “Administrative capacity” and co-funded by the European Social Fund. The Center receives and registers signals, proposals, inquiries, requests, declarations and petitions addressed to the National Assembly and provides information about the parliament’s activities, the work of the parliament’s committees and the members of parliament.