The National Assembly has adopted at first reading amendments to the Financial Supervision Commission Act, which introduces the obligation for the commission to cooperate and provide information to their European counterparts, to the European Systemic Risk Board and to the European Commission. The bill stipulates the obligation of the commission to reveal to the European financial supervisory authorities and to the European Systemic Risk Board information, which represents professional secret, when this is necessary for the implementation of their functions.
The amendments adopted at first reading to the Patronage Act envisage registration of patrons in a special register. For this purpose the legal entity or the sole trader have to supply only its unique identification code, without the obligation to prove the circumstances existing under its name in the Business Register. According to these amendments the application for registration, the annual performance and financial reports of the organizations, sponsoring culture events could be filed electronically.
Parliament also passed amendments to the Public Procurement Act envisaging a 10 % rise in the order value needed for a procedure for public procurement to be held. The bill foresees additional provisions to the existing ones, allowing competition for public procurement to be carried out only between specialized enterprises and cooperatives of disabled people. The changes in the law introduce the requirements for public procurement of the European directives in the field of construction, supplies and services for the military and the security sector. The public procurement in the defense and security field will be held through a limited procedure or negotiations with advanced notice publication. Negotiations, without advanced notice publication, could be held only on the base of preliminary determined and listed in detail conditions.
During the parliamentary control time the deputies have held a discussion on the interpellation put forward by the opposition’s parliamentary group of Coalition for Bulgaria, MPs Georgi Pirinski, Maya Manolova and Yanaki Stoilov related to the implementation of the recommendations laid down in the OSCE observers report about the 2011 elections in Bulgaria. As a result of the discussion the parliament passed decision obliging the parliamentary Legal Affairs Committee to prepare proposals in answer to the OSCE recommendations in 3 months term, and obliging thereafter the foreign minister to inform OSCE about the measures undertaken.