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of the Republic of Bulgaria
Parliament adopts new model of remuneration of employees in the state administration

The National Assembly has adopted a new model of remuneration of the employees in the state administration with amendments to the Civil Servants Act passed at first reading. The amending bill was submitted by the Council of Ministers. The bill creates clear rules for the formation and the increase of the employees’ salaries linking the remuneration to the accomplished results.

The draft bill drops the allowances, paid up to now, for continuous length- of- service, incorporating from now on the respective amount in the basic monthly salary. According to the draftsmen this way of remuneration will make possible the equal treatment of the newly hired employees of the state administration with the ones with long years of experience.

The remuneration will depend on the professional experience, knowledge and skills of the employee, on the demonstrated competences, efforts and the accomplished results in reaching the set tasks and goals. The additional rewards will be up to 30 % of the basic salary.

The amendments abolish the payment of additional financial incentives, the source of which comes from the charge of administrative fees and fines. The bill envisions additional rewards to the basic salary with constant nature, provided to attract and retain employees of crucial importance for the administration and complementary bonuses for exceptional achievements on a non permanent basis. The way and conditions of the employees’ remuneration will be elaborated in a special Ordinance. The amendments will affect around 16 000 employees. The provisional and final provisions of the bill import changes in more than 50 acts containing provisions for additional financial incentives.

The Finance Minister Simeon Djankov’s comments on the proposed bill were that the latter will introduce a sole act regulating the additional rewards of the entire state administration thus making it transparent. He expressed hope that the proposed amendments will receive a broader support at it second reading in the parliament.

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