The National Assembly President Tsetska Tsacheva has met with the General Secretary of the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC) Ms. Sharan Burrow. Special emphasis during the talks was put on the issues of employment and youth’s unemployment. Ms Sharan Burrow is in Bulgaria to attend the International Conference titled: “Employment and Incomes – Dialogue for Growth and Better Future for Bulgaria”
The Speaker of the Bulgarian parliament voiced her distress with the fact that highly educated young people are not able to find adequate employment in their home country. At the same time there are economic sectors where qualified technical staff is lacking. The General Secretary of ITUC Ms Sharan Burrow noted that the problem is global: “The problem with youth’s unemployment is like a social time bomb” she said. According to Ms Tsetska Tsacheva this problem should get to the attention of not only the state, but the non-governmental sector, the family and the entire society.
“As today is March 8th, we have to stress that there is still a great difference between the wages of men and women”, said Sharan Burrow. She also expressed her support for the demand of the trade unions for reinforcement of the legislation against violations of the right of association. In her view there are many companies and employers who use the crisis to weaken the trade unions, some of them western, something they could never do in their own countries.
The chair of the parliament Tsetska Tsacheva underscored the visit of Mrs. Sharan Burrow is a recognition for the activities of the Bulgarian trade unions and added that she keeps in constant touch with the latter.