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of the Republic of Bulgaria
The Committee on Dossiers should be allowed to examine the credit millionaires for affiliation with the former State Security, decided the Parliament
The Committee on dossiers should be allowed to examine the credit millionaires for affiliation with  the structures of the former State Security, decided the Parliament. The MPs adopted at first reading the proposed by the Blue Coalition parliamentary group amendments to the Access to and Disclosure of the Documents and Announcing the Affiliation of Bulgarian Citizens with the State Security Service and the Intelligence Services of the Bulgarian People’s Army Act. 91 MPs voted in favour, none – against and one - abstained.
Subject to examination shall be sole owners, managers and members of Management or Control Boards of companies at the time when the non-performing loans were taken. Emil Kostadinov, Chairman of the Committee on Dossiers said that a list of BNB from 1997 showed that subject to examination should be over 10 500 companies.
Ekaterina Mihailova (The Blue Coalition parliamentary group), one of the MPs who submitted the proposal, explained it with the big interest of the public to know more about the persons who came to wealth as a results of such bad loans – the so called credit millionaires. Their dependence on and ties with the former repressive apparatus of the communist state should be incorporated in the law, so that the Committee could undertake the necessary examinations, she said. Due to a lapse in the legislation the Committee may not currently open these dossiers, explained Ekaterina Mihailova. She assured the Parliament that the proposed texts would work and had been coordinated with the Committee on Dossiers. Part of the questions raised during the transition have not received their answers either – such as: where is the money, who and how made it possible for a big portion of the money to disappear, added Ekaterina Mihailova. The “credit millionaires”, in her words, made use of the inflation and instability of the banking system in order to misappropriate huge amounts, and the idea therefore is to have the truth come to light and find out whether the State Security had something to do with the transformation of the country’s economy. According to Yanaki Stoilov, MP from the Left, the bigger issue concerns the consequences of the speculative operations, most of which were executed in mid-90ies, which were a factor for the hyperinflation in the country at that time.

A new MP from the GERB parliamentary group took an oath before the Parliament today. He replaced Plamen Tsekov, who was elected manager of NHIF.

The scope of documents to be produced when performing address registration is to be extended, decided the Parliament. The MPs adopted at first reading amendments to the Civil Registration Act – one proposal submitted by the Coalition for Bulgaria parliamentary group, and another – by the GERB parliamentary group.
The governing party proposes, that besides a title deed and lease contract, the applicants might present other documents, evidencing that the property is used for residential purposes. The Parliament retained the requirement for presentation of the consent for the address registration given in writing by the owner of the property.
The GERB parliamentary group also proposed to provide opportunity for address registration of citizens placed in specialized institutions after coming of age or of socially week citizens who have no relatives and can not indicate a permanent address. In such a case a contract for placement in a specialized institution should be presented, explained Krassimir Tsipov (GERB Parliamentary group). Where citizens reside in homes from the municipal or state housing stock, we propose that they present only the tenancy order, added he and explained, that in cases where the required documents could not be presented, a committee would be set up by the Mayor of the municipality, consisting of representatives of different departments, which would verify that the address does exist and the citizens can be registered with this address. The decision will be finally issued by the Mayor.

The Coalition for Bulgaria parliamentary group proposed in case of changing their address registration the citizens to be allowed to present other documents evidencing of the use and ownership of the property, such as receipts for paid taxes, paid utilities bills, construction permits.

Lyuben Tatarski (GERB parliamentary group) pointed out that not every document could be used as a legal ground for address registration. According to him the fact that a person pays taxes or electricity for a building does not necessarily mean that he lives there. The proposal for setting up a municipal committee will also resolve all issues relating to the occupation of illegal buildings, he thinks
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