The new rules for expiration of the driver’s licenses are introduced with the second reading of the bill amending the Personal Identity Documents Act. The validity of licenses for category AM, A1, A2, A, B, B1 and BE is to be 10 years; for categories C, CE, C1, C1E, D, DE, D1 and D1E – 5 years. Driving permits for persons with permanent disabilities remain valid for 5 years. Currently driver’s licenses for all categories are valid for 10 years with the exception of those for disabled people, which were and remain issued for 5 years. The amendment is to take effect as of January 19th, 2013. The existing at present rules are to be applied until the above date.
The Deputy Minister of Transport, Information Technologies and Communications, Mr. Veselin Vuchkov, explained that the changes of the terms of validity, in particular for category C – freight transportation and category D – transportation of people follow requirements imposed by an European Union directive. Those who renew or apply for a driver’s license until 19 January 2013 will be issued documents according to the old rules.