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National Assembly President Tsetska Tsacheva opens the annual photo exhibition called:”The Year in Parliament Through the Eyes of Photojournalists”

The President of the National Assembly, Mrs Tsetska Tsacheva has opened the annual photo exhibition titled: “The Year in Parliament through the eyes of photojournalists”. The exhibition is prepared by the parliamentary Press Center together with journalists accredited to the parliament.

The Chair of Parliament noted that in 2012 the National Assembly had passed 125 laws, 185 decisions and 4 declarations. 133 plenary sittings were held including 11 extraordinary. Behind the numbers are hiding a lot of emotions and hours of hard work, stressed Tsetska Tsacheva. She noticed that in this period the National Assembly has passed several completely new laws like the one on gambling, on youth, on the public-private partnership, on the waste management, on the 2013 state budget, the 2013 budget of the Puiblic Social Security and the 2013 budget of the National Health Insurance Fund. During the last Session a decision on holding a national referendum has been passed, for the first time since the start of the democratic changes in the country.

Information on the legislative and parliamentary control activity of the 41st National Assembly in 2012

Legislative activity

The National Assembly had passed 125 laws, 185 decisions and 4 declarations in 2012 show the information dressed by the parliamentary Press Service and the Legal Affairs Directorate. The information contains data up to 17 December 2012 excluding the last plenary week of the year.

During the year the parliament has held 133 sittings, among them 11 extraordinary.

253 draft bills have been moved in the parliament in 2012, 120 submitted by the Council of Ministers. In the same period 196 draft decisions were put forward, 171 proposed by Members of the Parliament and 9 draft addresses and declarations.

During its 10th Session the 41st National Assembly had passed 42 laws and 75 decisions. During the Session dated 1 September – 17 December 2012 in the parliament were submitted 76 draft bills, 41 moved by Council of Ministers and 47 draft decisions – 44 proposed by deputies. The parliament has held 43 plenary sittings including 2 extraordinary.

Parliamentary Oversight 

Cabinet members have answered questions of deputies in the course of 147 hours and 40 minutes during the year 2012. The parliamentary control was carried out in 40 plenary sittings.
The number of questions put forward in 2012 is 1457, the number of interpellations 223. 734 questions and 13 interpellations has received written answers, 723 questions and 210 interpellations oral. Answered were 1150 questions and 117 interpellations. 48 questions and 11 interpellations were withdrawn. In this period were held 8 debates on interpellations, 1 motion of no confidence was rejected, 1 hearing was carried out and 18 reports, covering hearings held by the committees, distributed among MPs.


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