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National Assembly
of the Republic of Bulgaria
Parliament bans continuation of contracts with specified duration without customer’s written consent

Contract signed for a specified duration of time would not to be prolonged without the explicit written consent of the customer, to whom the provider should supply beforehand the information on the provisions of the contract. These are amendments in the Consumers Protection Act adopted by the parliament.   When such consent is lacking, after the expiration of the contract, the latter is considered to be “without term”, meaning the provisions of the contract remain the same. The customer has the right to cancel the contract with one month only notice, without any liabilities. All contracts containing other agreements should be considered null and void.

Contracts concluded from a distance, by telephone, enter into force and become binding for the customer, after the provider had received the customer’s consent in a written form. Providers who violate these provisions are to be fined by BGN 1000 to 3000 for each violation. In the future every provider of TV programs, distributed by licensed operators, will have to supply the customer with an explicit list of the television programs contained in the package in the corresponding price range.

The provider should propose changes in written /always in Bulgarian language/ or in another form comprehensible for the customer. The changes should always be accepted explicitly and in writing by the customer.

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