The Labor and Social Committee has voted in favor of the proposed by Sergey Stanishev and a group of MPs draft amendments foreseeing increase of the term of the guaranteed compensations received in case of an employer’s bankruptcy. The draft bill increases the level of social protection for workers and employees in case of their employer’s insolvency. The period of work preceding the employer‘s bankruptcy is extended from 6 to 12 months, allowing the workers and employees to get better protection under the law; the amendments also increase the guaranteed amount of the claaims for charged and unpaid wages and cash benefits owed by the employer for the last 12 months of the employment from 3 to 6 months. The maximum amount of the guaranteed claims goes up from BGN 1000 to BGN 1200.
The new Minister of Labor and Social Policy, Hassan Ademov, has presented the new team of the Ministry and their plans for reforms in the Employment Agency in order to curb unemployment, adapt and increase the qualifications of the labor force through continuing education.