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of the Republic of Bulgaria
National Assembly President Mihail Mikov met with leaders of the National Association of Municipalities in the Republic of Bulgaria

The president of the National Assembly, Mihail Mikov, has met on 19 July 2013 with the leadership of the National Association of the Municipalities in the Republic of Bulgaria.

In the meeting took part the head of the NAMRB,Todor Popov, mayors and the executive director of NAMRB, Ginka Chavdarova.

The participants in the meeting discussed the preparations for the 2013 Day of Dialogue between the legislative and local powers, which is to be held on September 30th. The association has presented its proposals for legislative amendments related to the municipalities. They have proposed adoption of new law on local government that should be passed before the next local elections.

The NAMRB representatives offered to take part in the discussions of the draft law with experts and practical advice.

The chair of the National Assembly promised dialogue and attentiveness towards   NAMRB. He expressed readiness to ensure regular exchange of opinions between the municipalities and the members of parliament coming from the particular region and on the part of the parliamentary committees, on issues of their interest.

The representatives of NAMRB expressed hope that parliament will continue to fulfill its constitutional powers, thus providing stability and backing the successful execution of the government policies for sustainable and long-term development of the municipalities and the country.

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