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of the Republic of Bulgaria
Sofia Central Heating Utility Executive Director, Stoyan Tsvetanov, presents to the Energy Committee in the parliament information on the economic and technical state of the company and its readiness for the winter

The information on the economic and technical state of the Sofia Heating Company and its preparedness for the new heating season was presented by the executive director of the company, Stoyan Tsvetanov, to the members of the parliamentary Energy Committee.
The Sofia Heating Company is ready for the winter season; the big scale repair projects are completed.

For a second year in a row the company has positive financial results said the executive director. He informed the deputies that the heating company is in charge of building new stations in order to accommodate its new customers the number of which has grown in recent years by 30 000 to reach 435 000 in total.

The debts of the Sofia heating company towards “Bulgargaz” have reached BGN 586 million. The report of the heating utility’s executive director shows the long term debts towards the gas provider amount to BGN 243 761 000, the short term debts to BGN 342 834 000.

The number of the company’s customers clean of debts or with two unpaid monthly bills is only 1, 05% of the total. Some 10% of the clients owe 2 to 6 bills and 5, 59% owe from 6 to 11 bills. The amount of debts overdue for as long as 1 to 2 years is 21, 6%, those overdue for 2 to 3 years is 13, 9%. 47.5% of the customers have overdue bills for more than 3 years. He mentioned several institutions such as the Sofia University “St Climent Ohridski”, the Military Hospital in the capital  Sofia and the Sofia Municipal Auto Transport company as the biggest debtors.

Stoyan Tsvetanov informed that the heating company had initiated legal proceedings against 27 000 customers for overdue debts. BGN 27 million was collected by the courts in the last year. The call center collecting debts had brought back around BGN 10 million for just several months.

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