The National Assembly has ratified Amendment 2 of the Financial Agreement between Bulgaria and the European Investment Bank on the project “Bulgaria – Transit Roads V”. The total value of the project amounts to Euro 705 M – Euro 380 M loan from the European Investment Bank and Euro 325 M co-funding from the State Budget. This information comes from the report of the parliamentary Budget and Finance Committee. Since 2007 there were 7 allocations on the project at the amount of Euro 167, 5 M in total, which is just 44% of the agreed loan. The remaining funds amount to Euro 212, 5 M or 56% of the loan. The Road Infrastructure Agency received approval to start negotiating extension of the final term of the loan agreement and has sent a written request to the EIB asking to amend it. Agreement to extend the term of the remaining funds of the loan with 3 years, with the date of last transfer set at 31 December 2016 has been reached.
The lawmakers have voted several other ratifications such as the Euro – Mediterranean Aviation Agreement between the European Union and its Member States of the one part and the Government of the State of Israel of the other part. The agreement allows the carriers to provide services from every airport in the European Union to every airport in Israel, something that was not possible so far. The other documents ratified were the Agreement between the Republic of Bulgaria and the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons on the Privileges and Immunities of the Organization and the Convention on the Issue of Multilingual Extracts from Civil Status Records, signed in Vienna on 8 September 1976.