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of the Republic of Bulgaria
Vice-Premier and Interior Minister Tsvetlin Yovchev informs lawmakers of the Education and Science Committee about the educational options of the refugee children from Syria

Tsvetlin Yovchev was firm that children of Syrian refugees should be included in the education process immediately. According to him they should be educated in accordance with the national system, as is recommended by the UN High Commissariat for Refugees.

The opinion of Tsvetlin Yovchev is that we should not try to find teachers speaking their language. In his view the children should  take a fast course in Bulgarian language and then be sent to Bulgarian schools.

Since the beginning of 2013 until the end of September the illegal imigrants caught on the border are 5815. In the month of  September alone they have reached the number of 2377 people. He explained that he has not the exact number of the children.

138 children in Bulgaria with refugee status have asked so far to study Bulgarian language as first step to integrate into the educational system   the deputy minister of education and science Ivan Krastev has informed.
Ivan Krastev underscored that the serious problem consists in finding competent teachers fluent in Bulgarian and Arab languages. He said the solution might be in hiring “teachers interns” allowing students yet in school to provide help educating the refugee children.

The Education and Science Ministry had provided two of its buildings to the State Agency for Refugees where the children of refugees could be taught Bulgarian language, informed Ivan Krastev. One of the buildings is located in Sofia and the other in the town of Elhovo.

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