The National Assembly President Mihail Mikov has sent a letter of congratulations to His Holiness, the Patriarch of Bulgaria, Neofit on occasion of his birthday.
“I turn to you with great admiration and respect and I wish to greet you on your Birthday! Please accept my sincerest wishes for strong health, for many years of unstinting service in the name of goodness and faith”, Mihail Mikov writes in the letter.
“In our daily life full of hardships and challenges you send often messages of wisdom and prayers for unity. I believe every Bulgarian citizen values in his heart your sincerest love and care for them. I completely share your conviction that the worthy future of Bulgaria lays in the security and confidence in this future, in the fully lived lives, in the freedom and opportunity of reaching to oneself, in the love and faith” notes the chair of the parliament.
He stresses that by withstanding these virtues and his personal mission Patriarch Neofit perpetuates the values of the Bulgarian Orthodox Church, which has always given to the Bulgarian people a constant direction in their aspiration to good life and progress.
“Let the strength of your faith give you light and long life”, reads the chair of parliament’s congratulatory letter.