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of the Republic of Bulgaria
Finance Minister Petar Chobanov hands in the 2014 State Budget Act draft bill to the President of the National Assembly, Mihail Mikov

The Minister of Finance, Petar Chobanov, has submitted the 2014 State Budget Act draft bill to the National Assembly’s president, Mihail Mikov.

The speaker of the National Assembly has noticed that the Council of Ministers and the Ministry of Finance had worked hard to submit the draft budget bill for 2014 within the terms set by the law. He has thanked the minister of finance and his team and said he is to immediately send the bill for consideration by the competent committees.

He said the National Assembly is lowering its 2014 budget by BGN 14 M in line with the belt tightening in all sectors and in solidarity with all institutions which funds will narrow.

According to the Finance Minister, Petar Chobanov, the 2014 state budget is one of thaw, economic growth and balanced development of the regions. The priorities set in the 2014 budget are education, investments in the public sector and in the area of social policy.

Petar Chobanov has thanked the National Assembly for its intention to restrict its expenditures in 2014 and said the funds could be redirected for pensioners’ Christmas bonuses, for health care and for the refugees.

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