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of the Republic of Bulgaria
National Assembly President, Mihail Mikov, attends ,on 1 December 2013, church service in memory of Bulgarian Exarch Antim I, dedicated to 125th anniversary since his death

The National Assembly President, Mihail Mikov, has attended on 1 December 2013 the church service in memory of Exarch Antim I dedicated to the 125th anniversary since his death. The service was held in the St Dimitrius Cathedral Church in the town of Vidin.

Mihail Mikov, Petar Stoyanovich - Minister of Culture, and other lawmakers took part in the solemn procession, which went from the church to the mausoleum and sarcophagus of Antim I. It was led by the National Guard Brass Orchestra and students carrying national colors.

The commemoration of Antim Ist 125th anniversary was held under the auspices of the National Assembly's President, Mihail Mikov, and is part of the initiatives for the celebration in 2014 of the 135 anniversary of the Constituent Assembly and the adoption of the Tarnovo Constitution.

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