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of the Republic of Bulgaria
National Assembly President, Mihail Mikov – Let us explore possibilities for European funding of common projects along the border

Why not explore opportunities for development in the regions along the border, inhabited by Bulgarian minorities, proposed the president of the National Assembly, Mihail Mikov, at the meeting with the Premier of Serbia Ivica Da cic, held on 11 December 2013. When we work on such matters together we will be stronger and the attitude towards us will be different. Ivica Dacic has completely agreed with the stance of Bulgaria’s parliament chair and has added that joint projects in different areas should be activated.

“ The relations between Bulgaria and Serbia are exemplary for good neighbors. We have no politically unsolved issues”, said further the chair of parliament, Mihail Mikov. He expressed the resolute position of Bulgaria for Serbia’s membership in the European Union. We have difficulties in overcoming the crisis but if we stand together our voice could be heard louder in Brussels, giving example with his recent visit to Romania, where the two countries worked out a common position on their accession to Schengen.

The Serbian premier informed that as of March  30th, 2014 regular daily flights from Belgrade to Sofia and Belgrade – Varna are to be opened. Ivica Dacic also noticed the two countries could work together on joint projects with third countries, including China and Russia.

According to Mihail Mikov Brussels should not be jealous in respect to opportunities for development of the infrastructure of Bulgaria with funds coming from outside the Union, from China for example. He talked about his forthcoming visit to China and the agreements he is expecting to sign there.

On his part Ivica Dacic informed about the key roads under construction in Serbia, while Mihail Mikov suggested it will be good if Bulgarian companies could participate in the construction biddings. The premier of Serbia has agreed that the newly opened Police Center in the town of Vidin should coordinate the police services of Bulgaria, Serbia and Romania along their borders.

Dacic also pointed out that Bulgaria and Serbia had no differences regarding the South Stream  gas pipeline project. As for the construction of the highway between Nish and Sofia he said the project is developing in the previewed terms. The work on the gas interconnector between the Serbian town of Nish and Bulgaria is going as planned. He mentioned there were though difficulties with the construction of the railway.

Mikov asked for the support of Serbia to leave the Secretariat of the Process of Cooperation in South East Europe (PCSEE) headquarters in Sofia, so as for the latter to remain located on the Balkans.

Both officials expressed satisfaction with the well developing trans-border cooperation, with the construction of the highway between the towns of Salash and Novo Korito and said the joint projects should be activated.

The Serbian premier, who is also personal friend with Mihail Mikov, expressed his firm belief that the cooperation between the two peoples should be based on common interest.

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