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of the Republic of Bulgaria
Mihail Mikov: The state will help the people who suffered damages as a result of the flooding in the region of Vidin

The state will intervene and help the people who suffered damages due to the flooding in the region of the city of Vidin, stated the president of the National Assembly Mihail Mikov. He visited in person two of the affected villages in the municipality of Ruzhintsi - Gyurgich and Pleshivets and met with the villagers whose homes were flooded.

Mihail Mikov has acquainted himself with the scale of the damages and the possibilities for helping those affected.

The president of the National Assembly has talked to social policy and labor minister Hasan Ademov and with other government representatives and has confirmed that on Friday the villages  of Gyurgich and Pleshivets, which suffered the heaviest damages,  will be inspected by a commission from the social ministry and the state will set a plan for assistance. 

“There are a number of formal requirements that has to be met for compensation of the damages that is why the state and the government will use other means of assistance. The social ministry is to provide the needy families and people with urgent commodities “, Mihail Mikov announced.

The mayors of Chuprene and Rugentsi municipalities will submit formal request for disbursement of funds under the programs for temporary employment. The funds will be used immediately for hiring of unemployed who are to start cleaning the river beds and take part in the repair works.

The head of the parliament said also that the state Disaster and Emergency Fund has dispatched on Wednesday a commission to access the stricken municipalities of Chuprene and Rugentsi.

Mihail Mikov had visited and witnessed as well the damages inflicted on the Gorni Lozen and Dolni Lozen villages where a state of emergency  was also declared.

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