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of the Republic of Bulgaria
National Assembly President Mihail Mikov has sent letters of condolences to Serbia’s Speaker of Parliament and to the Heads of the two Chambers of Bosnia and Herzegovina’s Parliamentary Assembly

National Assembly President, Mihail Mikov, has sent letters of condolences to the Republic of Serbia’s Speaker of Parliament and to the Presidents of the two Chambers of Bosnia and Herzegovina’s Parliamentary Assembly with regard to the devastating floods.

“I follow the news about the devastating floods in neighboring Serbia with deep concern. We are broken-hearted by the news of the numerous victims caused by the water disaster. Allow me to express my sincerest friendly and human sympathy and solidarity in these difficult moments for your country. I assure you that we share your grief in these challenging times ”, writes Mihail Mikov to the President of the National Skupshtina (National Assembly) of the Republic of Serbia, Maja Gojkovic.

“We continue to follow the situation and strongly believe that the concerted efforts of the rescue services, of the medical teams and of the numerous volunteers will help saving the people of the stricken areas and the recovery of those harmed” states the National Assembly president. Such a disaster casts shadow on people’s life for a very long time but I believe that with the support and the solidarity of all citizens, as well as of all the friendly countries, including Bulgaria, the consequences of this large scale tragedy will soon be overcome, he adds.

In his condolatory address to the President of the House of Representatives of the Parliamentary Assembly of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Milorad Givcovic, Mihail Mikov expresses sincerest condolences for the victims and the enormous losses. “I express our sympathy and solidarity with the relatives of those who perished and our desire for quick recovery of the people affected”, states the head of parliament.

“The Bulgarian state makes everything possible to assist you in this hard moments. We hope our rescue and medical teams will render their timely and professional assistance to yours. In such moments it is worth to remember that when we are united we can solve common problems, regardless of the borders dividing us”, Mihail Mikov writes. “I am convinced that your country is strong enough to cope with the disaster and that the normal way of life will be reestablished at the nearest future”, he adds.

The president of the National Assembly has sent condolatory address to the Parliamentary Assembly of Bosnia and Herzegovina’s  President of the House of Peoples, Dragan Čović. “We are overwhelmed by the enormous tragedy which has hit profoundly your people and country, bringing about many deaths and immense suffering”, notes Mihail Mikov. “We share and understand the pain and the distress of the people affected. Bulgaria has also been striken by similar floods which had brought about great social and economic difficulties in one of the poorest regions of our country”, notes Mihail Mikov.

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