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of the Republic of Bulgaria
On occasion of 24th May, Day of the Bulgarian Education and Culture,the 42nd National Assembly President Mihail Mikov has sent greeting cards to all principals of schools in the country and abroad

On occasion of 24th May, Day of the Bulgarian Education and Culture, the 42nd National Assembly President Mihail Mikov has sent greeting cards to all school principals in the country and abroad.

“Today we pay respect to the work of the holy brothers St. St. Cyril and Methodius, who created our alphabet, as well as to all their disciples for their efforts and sacrifices dedicated to the noble cause of preserving and affirming the spirit of Bulgaria, to enrich our culture and develop our education. Their work has given us a lot – a tool of our own to read and write, as well as an identity of our own, a desire for enlightenment and learning, a sense of pride and belonging to the Bulgarian nation, the self-satisfaction of being able to write and create using our proper alphabet.

Mihail Mikov wishes them to never lose this sense of pride and self-confidence. “On the base of the great deeds of our Bulgarian enlighteners let us take a look upon the day of tomorrow with optimism! Let’s not stop transferring the sparkle of enlightenment to our children! The stronger it glows, the stronger will be the gratitude of the generations to come, for Bulgaria to last for ever”, continues the president of the National Assembly.

Mihail Mikov has sent greeting cards to all teachers in the town of Vidin's region

“I wish you to be strong to inspire and fascinate the young for knowledge, to unlock their brains and talents and to inflame their imagination for the new and the unknown! I understand that today, the same as during the times of the Revival, this a through challenge, but you are the ones that prove every day to be the through followers of the founders – the holy brothers St. St. Cyril and Methodius. 24th May is primarily your holiday and feeling a deep respect towards your job I would like to wish you good health, success, creative energy and optimism!”, Mihail Mikov writes to the teachers.

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