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National Assembly
of the Republic of Bulgaria
National Assembly President Mihail Mikov: We should thank those who, 24 years ago, despite the political acrimony and confrontation have adopted the Constitution of the Republic of Bulgaria
Let us thank those who 24 years ago, despite the political acrimony,  confrontation and the turbulent times through which Bulgaria had passed in the 90s of the last century, have adopted the Constitution of the Republic of Bulgaria, stated the National Assembly’s President Mihail Mikov. He made this statement on 11 July 2014, at the eve of the anniversary of the adoption by the Seventh Grand National Assembly of the Basic Law of Bulgaria.
Mihail Mikov read texts of the Constitution. In his words citizens and lawmakers should always keep in mind these texts, striving for Bulgaria to be social, lawful and most of all a democratic state. “Bulgaria shall be a republic with a parliamentary form of government. The entire power of the State shall derive from the people. The people shall exercise this power directly and through the bodies established by this Constitution. No part of the people, no political party nor any other organization, state institution or individual shall usurp the expression of the popular sovereignty.”
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