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of the Republic of Bulgaria
42nd National Assembly passes 2014 National Health Insurance Fund budget update bill, ends work

The 42nd National Assembly has ended its work with passing the updated budget bill of the National Health Insurance Fund for 2014. At the beginning of the extraordinary sitting of the parliament the National Assembly president Mihail Mikov expressed sympathy and support to the people of different parts of the country affected by disasters. The deliberations over the amendments of the NHIF’s budget were broadcast live on the channels of the national television and radio. The finance minister Petar Chobanov was present at the plenary hall. The parliament has updated the 2014 NHIF budget by 225 million levs. The raise in the funds of the NHIF are at the expense of diminishing the ministries’ expenditures. 200 million levs of the money are allocated for hospital treatment and 25 million levs are to cover drugs for oncological diseases. The 2014 State Budget Act was amended to reflect the transfer of additional money to the NHIF’s budget.

The parliament has allocated 50 million levs for prevention, control and tackling the effects of disasters. The money come from funds previously meant for investments and for different programs in the energy field.

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