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National Assembly
of the Republic of Bulgaria
National Assembly’s Summer Session starts with Leaders of Parliamentary Groups taking the floor for Declarations

The summer session of the 43rd National Assembly has started with declarations delivered by the leaders of parliamentary groups.

The parliament has voted to initiate the European Protection Order by passing a bill. The bill aims at transposing in the legislation of Bulgaria the Directive of the EU Council and Parliament regarding the European Protection Order. The latter makes legal the recognition, execution, issuance and deliverance of the European Protection Order. That also means that a Protection Order  issued in one Member State could be applied in any other EU member country, where the protected person happens to be. The protection order provides additional legal support for all victims of crimes. Mover of the bill is the Council of Ministers.

The National Assembly’s weekly agenda also foresees consideration at second reading of the amending bill of Investment Encouragement Act, the first reading of amendments to the Commercial Navigation Code and the Administrative Offences and Penalties Act. At second reading would be considered changes to the Financial Instruments’ Markets Act and the Protection of the Competition Act.

First to be discussed on Friday is a Resolution on Recognition of the Genocide of Armenians carried out by the Ottoman Empire in the period 1915 – 1922.

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