Possibility for out of court settlement of consumer disputes relating to retailers of goods or providers of services was voted with amendments to the Consumer Protection Act. The amendments were moved by the Council of Ministers and approved by 69 lawmakers. 11 deputies voted against.
The amendments allow for an alternative, out-of-court settlement of the consumers claims against retailers and services providers. The law changes envisage the building of an online platform for handling disputes. Consumers and retailers will have access to this platform. The alternative dispute resolution body is to decide the case within 90 days since receiving all the documentation and evidence concerning it. The parties may do without the services of a lawyer.
The alternative disspute resolution procedure is to be free or very inexpensive and easily accessible by the parties. The review of the claims is held in the absence of the parties. The above procedure will facilitate the trans-border on-line trade. The participation of the parties to the transaction in the alternative dispute resolution procedure is voluntary and they are free to choose to go to court. It will be up to the Minister of Economy to decide whether entities willing to resolve consumer disputes conform to the requirements set by Directive 2013/11 of the European Council.