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National Assembly
of the Republic of Bulgaria
At the eve of 24th May children from the ESPA secondary school in the capital Sofia offer greetings to guests and members of parliament

At the eve of 24th May – the Day of the Bulgarian education and culture, and the Slavonic alphabet, children from the capital’s ESPA secondary school have come to congratulate the members of the National Assembly and their guests. To mark one of the brightest holidays of Bulgaria they presented a musical and literary program. They performed for the first time the song “Hymn for the Bulgarian alphabet”, composed on the occasion by the conductor from the Sofia Opera and Ballet Theater, maestro Stefan Nedyalkov.

The president of the National Assembly, Tsetska Tsacheva, praised the children for their enthusiasm and inspiration. “I am happy that from an early age you follow the steps of the brothers Cyril and Methodius, something that your teachers have the merit for as well. Let us bow our heads before their bequest and for the bright path ahead they had left us." Tsetska Tsacheva gave as present to the children souvenirs with the insignia of the National Assembly.

Maestro Stefan Nedyalkov said he hoped his song to reach more Bulgarian children. He added that like a tree surviving the strong storms thanks to its deep roots so will be the Bulgarians who will survive the storms of the world if only we stand firmly on our deep roots - our alphabet, our language and the knowledge received in our motherland Bulgaria.

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