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of the Republic of Bulgaria
Declaration of the National Assembly in support of Bulgaria’s EU membership
Of the 39th National Assembly of the Republic of Bulgaria
Expressing Support for Bulgaria’s Accession to the European Union
on 1 January 2007

We, the people’s representatives in the Thirty-Ninth National Assembly of the Republic of Bulgaria,
Reaffirming the unconditional strategic priority of Bulgaria’s accession to the European Union on 1 January 2007,
Having regard to the momentous consequences of the choice made by Bulgaria and to the necessity of ensuring the completion of the country’s reforms related to EU membership,
Welcoming the conclusion of the negotiations with the Union, which were preceded by Bulgaria’s application for membership submitted in 1995 by the Government of the Democratic Left, were started and conducted by the UDF Government, and were concluded by the SSNM/MRF Government, and emphasising our confidence in our own potential as a society capable of identifying, pursuing and bringing to fruition national strategic priorities with the active involvement of all Bulgarian institutions,
Aware of the necessity of continued reforms in the country with a view to the achievement of the European standards,
Having regard to the strength of our common will and determination to bring to completion the country’s preparation for EU membership in the best interest of all Bulgarians, and
In pursuance of Article 86(1) of the Constitution of the Republic of Bulgaria,
Adopted the following Declaration:
1. Led by Bulgaria’s interests and by our sense of responsibility as representatives of the Bulgarian people, we shall continue to work for the consistent performance of our commitment made to the citizens of Bulgaria to adopt in a timely manner all the necessary legislation transposing the acquis communautaire into domestic law.
2. Following up the support of all political forces for the 2003 amendments to the Constitution and taking full and exclusive account of the public interest, we shall accelerate the reform of the judicial system in keeping with the best practices in EU Member States and with the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms.
3. We call on the Bulgarian Government to intensify the country’s preparation for EU membership and to keep the National Assembly informed of the progress made, so as to ensure that the efforts leading to Bulgaria’s successful membership of the Union proceed in a timely and competent manner.
We are confident that Bulgaria is approaching the end of a long journey. We are determined to make the last remaining steps so that on 1 January 2007 Bulgaria may join as an equal partner Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxemburg, Malta, the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, and the United Kingdom on the road to a strong and prosperous Europe in which Bulgaria will rightfully belong.

This Declaration was adopted with 201 votes for, 3 votes against, and 1 abstention.
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