Magistrates will declare their membership in organisations, including secret and/or informal organisations and societies, if any. This was voted by deputies who approved on second reading the amendments to the Judicial System Act submitted by the Council of Ministers.
According to the adopted amendments, any judge, prosecutor and investigator, the members of the Supreme Judicial Council (SJC), the chief inspector and the inspectors at the Inspectorate with SJC must, within one month from taking office, submit to the relevant SJC college a declaration of all their activities and memberships in organisations, including secret and/or informal organisations and societies, legal entities, non-profit entities and civil societies or associations. The SJC colleges will keep a central public register of such declarations.
Judges, prosecutors and investigators must submit a two-part declaration of property and interests to the Inspectorate with the Supreme Judicial Council (SJC), the Parliament decided. Magistrates will furthermore submit a declaration of changes in declared circumstances in the statement of property and interests. This will occur in the following cases: participation in companies, for contracts with persons carrying out activities in the region of the magistrate, and in respect of data about persons in whose activities the declarant has a private interest. The documents will be kept for a period of 10 years and after that they will be destroyed by a commission.
The Inspectorate with the SJC will keep and maintain electronic public registers of the declarations and of the enforced penal decrees. The deputies adopted definitions of conflict of interests, private interest, benefits and what could cause a check.
A judge, a prosecutor and an investigator may be posted, where necessary, for no more than 12 months with his/her prior written consent, the Parliament adopted. As an exception, he/she may be posted without his/her consent for a period of up to three months. The posting shall be based upon a judgement of his/her length of service and experience, as well as on assessment from the performance appraisal and on the opinion of his/her direct administrative head.
A magistrate may be posted by the relevant college of the Supreme Judicial Council with his/her written consent. When the period of posting exceeds one calendar year, the full-time position held by the magistrate will be vacated. Upon expiry of the period, the person will be restored to his/her full-time position at the same body of the judiciary.