Registration of non-profit legal entities is transferred to the Registry Agency at the Ministry of Justice and a register of such entities is created with the commercial register. These are the proposed amendments to the Non-Profit Legal Entities Act adopted on second reading.
A Centre for Development of Civil Society will be created at the Council of Ministers, aimed at designing and implementing policies in support of civil society development. The Council will include representatives of non-profit legal entities for doing work in the public interest. The Council will be comprised of 15 members, to be determined by a decision of the government, for a term of three years. The Council will be chaired by the deputy prime minister in charge of implementation of a strategy for support of the development of civil organisations in the country.
For promotion and financial support of projects of public interest of non–profit legal entities for community work funds from the national budget will be allocated and spent annually.
The Act will enter into force on 1 January 2018.