The National Assembly elected Ivaylo Ivanov governor of the National Social Security Institute. 184 members of Parliament cast their vote, 183 of whom vote for Ivanov and one abstained. The term of office will be four years.
The report of the Committee on Labour, Social and Demographic Policy indicates that Ivaylo Ivanov graduated from the Academy of Economy “Dimitar Tsenov” in Svishtov with a major in finance and credit in 1993 and the South-Western University “Neofit Rilski” with a major in law in 2008. He was a deputy CEO and CEO of the Social Assistance Agency. Since June 2016 he has been Deputy Minister of Labour and Social Policy.
Among his main objectives will be to launch new and improve existing services, build efficient relationships with partners, develop human resources, efficient financial management, and to achieve a high level of information security.