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National Assembly
of the Republic of Bulgaria
The National Assembly adopted at second reading the amendments of the Health Act related to the end of the state of emergency declared in the country

The National Assembly has decided that the Council of Ministers can declare an epidemic emergency for a certain period of time. The Government will take such a decision based on a proposal from the Minister of Health and will be also be based on an epidemic risk assessment carried out by the chief state health inspector. The Parliament adopted the amendments to the Health Act at second reading.
The National Assembly decided that the fines for breach of anti-epidemic measures and non-compliance with quarantine will remain unchanged after the end of the state of emergency on 13 May 2020. The amendments stipulate that in the event of an epidemic spread of communicable diseases, the Minister of Health will introduce temporary anti-epidemic measures on a proposal by the Chief State Health Inspector for the territory of the country or a single area. It is stated that such anti-epidemic measures may not include prohibiting the entry into the territory of the country of nationals of other countries and temporary restriction of movement on the territory of the country.

A fine of BGN 300 to BGN 1000 will be imposed on offenders who do not comply with the anti-epidemic measures introduced. If the offence is repeated, the fine will be between BGN 1,000 and BGN 2,000. A person suffering from a contagious disease as well as an infection carrier who refuses to or does not comply with the mandatory isolation and/or treatment will be punished with a fine of BGN 5,000. The amendments state that a contact person of someone with a contagious disease, as well as a person who has entered the territory of the country from another country, who refuses to or does not comply with the mandatory quarantine, will be punished with a fine of BGN 5,000.

The amendments extend most of the socio-economic measures introduced during the state of emergency by up to two months. In connection with the expiration of the state of emergency – May 13 – the National Assembly decided that up to two months after its abolition all announced public auctions and possessions announced by state and private enforcement agents against natural persons will be suspended, after which they will be rescheduled with no fees and expenses due.

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