MPs submit proposals for an EWRC Chairperson, two members with experience in the field of energy, one with experience in water supply, and one economist. Nominations may also be submitted by parliamentary groups. The rules for proposing and electing members of the Energy and Water Regulatory Commission (EWRC) were adopted by 118 votes in favour to none against, with one abstention from the National Assembly.
Nominations shall be submitted in writing to the Energy Parliamentary Committee within 14 days, instead of the seven-day period stipulated in the draft decision, from the vote on the rules. The editorial change was made in the room by the Energy Commission Chairperson Valentin Nikolov.
According to the regulation voted on in the plenary, the hearing of eligible candidates is in open session of the Energy Commission. It is evident that the elected person is he/she who has won the votes of more than half of the MPs present. If several contestants have received more than half of the votes, the person with the most votes shall be deemed elected.
If there is no candidate for any of the positions, the NA shall, by its decision, reopen the election procedure for that position.
Candidates must present a Diploma for a Master's degree. They are being checked for affiliation with the former State Security or intelligence services of the Bulgarian National Army.
Anonymous alerts are not considered and the media can send written questions to the nominees.
Parliament adopted amendments to the Plant Protection Act at first reading by 121 votes in favour to 0 against, and with 10 abstentions.
The amendments ensure alignment of national legislation with European requirements relating to the application of protection measures against plant pests and official controls.
A public national electronic register of seeds treated with plant protection products shall be established which can be marketed and used in the territory of the country, while the register of plant protection products authorised to be placed on the market and used in the form of a finished solution shall be abolished.
It is foreseen that controls on plant protection products, active substances, adjuvants, fertilisers, soil improvers, biologically active substances and food substrates will continue to be carried out by plant protection inspectors, while for plants, plant products and other establishments controls will be carried out by official phytosanitary inspectors.
The provisions relating to the issue of plant passports and the requirements for professional operators applying for authorisation to issue plant passports have also been fine-tuned.
The authorisation regime for the placing on the market and use of plant protection products in the form of a finished solution shall be abolished.
It is envisaged that an invalidated certificate of entitlement to use plant protection products of a professional category of use will be renewed after the expiry of the period for which it is invalidated and after completion of training.
Farmers producing plants and plant products should keep records of plant protection activities carried out in order to ensure traceability in official controls of the use of plant protection products.