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of the Republic of Bulgaria
The Bulgarian Sign Language is recognized as a natural independent language by the adopted Law on the Bulgarian Sign Language
The Bulgarian Sign Language is recognized as a natural independent language by the adopted Law on the Bulgarian Sign Language. The Parliament adopted at second reading the draft proposed by the Council of Ministers.

It provides free translation service from and into Bulgarian sign language for deaf and blind deaf persons, recognizes the cultural and linguistic identity of the community of deaf persons and forms attitudes of respect for them through the Bulgarian sign language, the motives say.

A Council for the Bulgarian Sign Language is established at the Minister of Education, which will consist of 13 members.

The financing of the activities is carried out from the state budget through the Ministry of Labour and Social Policy, from the budget of the institutions as well as at the expense of the medical institutions, as well as from European and international programs and other sources. Funds from the state budget can also be provided to private kindergartens and schools.

By 31 December 2022, the heads of administrative structures in the executive system and the mayors of municipalities shall create conditions for the administrative service of the deaf and the blind deaf.

In special schools for pupils with sensory disabilities - hearing impaired, and for deaf students studying in schools in the system of preschool and school education, Bulgarian sign language training is conducted as a special subject of study.

Parents of such children also have the right to be taught in sign language. During the current tests and examinations in the system of school education, the deaf and blind deaf children and pupils, according to the degree of disability, have the right to use the Bulgarian sign language.

Deaf and blind deaf students and doctoral students in the course of their training for higher education have the right to additional use of translation services in Bulgarian sign language up to 60 hours per semester.

The number of hours for free translation service in Bulgarian sign language shall be determined for each calendar year in accordance with the limit and in proportion to the duration of the expert decision of TEMC or NEMC or the remaining months after the provision of the translation service.

Deaf and blind deaf persons have the right to free translation service, beyond the limit provided, when hospitalized in medical institutions, mental health centres, skin and venereal diseases centres and complex oncology centres, as well as when performing procedural and investigative actions under the Law on the Ministry of Interior.

The Minister of Education encourages and supports research of organizations, including on and for persons with hearing impairments and blind deaf persons, related to vocabulary and grammar of the Bulgarian sign language, electronic educational resources and methodological guides for its implementation in education, the National Assembly decided.

An interpreter from and into Bulgarian sign language is an active natural person with Bulgarian citizenship or with a right of permanent residence in Bulgaria, possessing a professional qualification or qualification in part of the profession “interpreter from and into Bulgarian sign language” on the List of Professions for Vocational Education and Training under the Vocational Education and Training Act or has acquired an educational-qualification degree “Master” in the speciality “Bulgarian sign language”.
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