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of the Republic of Bulgaria
The Parliament adopted at second reading an Addendum to the Measures and Activities during the State of Emergency Declared by Decision of the National Assembly of 13 March 2020 and Overcoming the Consequences Act
When holding elections in 2021 during the emergency epidemic situation, the Minister of Health, in agreement with the Chief State Health Inspector, introduces anti-epidemic measures related to the electoral process. This was decided by the Parliament, which adopted at second reading an Addendum to the Measures and Activities during the State of Emergency Declared by Decision of the National Assembly of 13 March 2020 and Overcoming the Consequences Act.

Based on the anti-epidemic measures, the CEC by decision determines the organization of the elections and the voting by the electors, including those placed under mandatory quarantine or compulsory isolation under the Health Act. This will be done through mobile ballot boxes within the meaning of the Electoral Code (EC) and in compliance with all anti-epidemic measures.

The decision of the electoral authority can be appealed to the SAC.

The deadline for submitting the applications for voting through a mobile ballot box shall be no later than three days before the election day. After checking in the relevant RHI, for which a report is to be prepared, those wishing to participate in the vote are included by the competent authorities in the list for voting through mobile ballot boxes. The MPs set the number of the members of a sectional election commission at not less than three, appointed in compliance with the requirements of the EC.

By decision of the CEC in holding elections in 2021 during the emergency epidemic situation, the number of the members of a sectional election commission outside the country may be no less than three.

The Parliament recorded that the Council of Ministers is to ensure the electoral process with all the necessary means of protection, the costs of which are to be included in the planned budget for the elections.

When holding the elections in 2021 during the emergency epidemic situation, the voters will certify their identity before the sectional election commissions in the country and abroad with an identity card or passport, respectively with a certificate of residence in the Republic of Bulgaria for citizens of another Member State of the European Union, regardless of the expiry dates, and no certificate for issuing the personal documents shall be required.
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