Mr. Mayor,
Mr. Deputy Prime Minister,
Distinguished Members of the Parliament,
Members of the Cabinet,
Your Holiness,
Generals, Army Officers, Sergeants and Soldiers,
Your Excellences,
Residents and guests of the proud town of
Dear Compatriots,
Tomorrow, June 2nd, right at 12 at noon, whistles will blow all over the country. All vehicles will halt, Bulgarians will remain standstill. As every year at this moment – the whole nation, we all, are to bow down before the feat of Hristo Botev and in honor of all who perished for our freedom and independence.
Dear compatriots,
For 135 years the name of Hristo Botev equates with
We always remember with agitation of our souls the pages of history we know from childhood: Botev gathers the troupe, boards on the ship “Radetski”, writes his farewell letter to his wife: “ My dear Veneta If I die, I would like you to know that after my Homeland, I loved you most”, he than puts on the military uniform, takes hold of the ship, descends with the troupe on the coast at Kozlodui, and takes the road to Okolchitsa (the place where the fight against the turks broke out). Here, in the heights of the Balkan, the genius poet, publicist and revolutionary meets his death – and his immortality.
Year after year, at the eve of June 2nd, the recognition and the spirit of
What else besides faith in the dignity of his people could be in his thoughts and belief that after getting free the Bulgarian people at an equal foot with others will embark on the road of progress and develop its democratic roots.
Botev’s deep conviction was that the Bulgarian people carries in its very nature the democratic principles, which left to develop freely will bring about the affirmation of human dignity, of progress and prosperity. It is to this cause of the future free development in particular that he sacrificed his life.
Dear compatriots,
It is only natural for every man and every people to think of the future. In one of his articles Botev describes the Bulgarian people in the following way: he has opened the doors of his house, looks to the world, with his back turned to the past and ahead to the future.
Let us ask ourselves today, let us ask ourselves tomorrow, keeping quiet and silent amidst the whistles blowing: what is the future we want for ourselves and what is the future we are working on? Are we aware of our responsibility before the future – all of us, living in
How are we developing the people’s, the democratic principles? What is our attitude towards human dignity? In what consists our patriotism today? These questions are important. The answers difficult. The latter are challenging us, but keeping our conscious awake.
Today at last
Our unity, dear compatriots, has no alternative. Our unity is the guarantee of our dignity; unity is what will allow us to follow the road on progress, the road for which our genius poet Hristo Botev gave his life.
Let us, dear compatriots, live and work in such a way that we prove worthy for Botev’s sacrifice, and for all who perished for the freedom and independence of our cherished – free, independent and democratic
Long live