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of the Republic of Bulgaria
Central Electoral Commission to have 19 members elected in an open procedure

The Central Electoral Commission will be established as a permanent body with its own administration. The Central Electoral Commission (CEC) will consist of 19 members who will be chosen in an open procedure. Their term of office will be 5 years. The above was decided with the passing at second reading of some of the provisions of the new Election Code.

The CEC’s chairperson, deputy chairpersons and secretaries will be elected by the National Assembly on the proposal of the parties represented in the Parliament. The chair, deputy chairs and secretaries of CEC could not be nominated by one and the same parliamentary group.
The rest of the CEC members will be appointed by the President of Bulgaria on the proposal of the parties represented in the parliament and those having members in the European Parliament. The ratio of CEC members will reflect the one of the political parties represented in the National Assembly. The PG of GERB has insisted the procedure of appointment of CEC members of the present law to be preserved. The latter envisages consultations with the President of the Republic before the appointment.  The proposal of GERB was rejected.

SEC members should have university education and professional experience no less than 7 years. They should be graduates of Law, Informatics, Political Sciences, Computer Sciences, Sociology, Mathematics, Mass Communications. The SEC's chairpeson should be a licensed lawyer with no less than 10 years professional experience.

A Public Council will be instituted to work on a permanent basis with SEC. The Council will consist of NGOs' representatives who had participated in the elections as observers. The aim of the Council will be to ensure transparency and honesty in the election process. The composition of the Public Council, its duties and organization will be stipulated in its internal rules, approved by SEC and published at the web site of CEC. The sittings of CEC will be streamed live in the Internet.

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